Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Zombie Story

Working on a zombie story, and shared some thoughts on the PhoenixPreacher.net

Have been thinking about demons lately, and reading about them in the gospel of Luke. They seem to very busy there. They are also busy in my SS classes study of Revelation. Rev 12:7-17 is a passage that I want to use as a springboard. Cast Out.

With all of these inputs, I have begun a little fiction writing, and theorizing what would happen if I mixed demons into a zombie motif? Questioning “What would happen if God allowed demons to infest the dead?” Its a scary thought, that of giving demons a voice to taunt the living.

My thought is to give clues throughout the story (like the zombies talking is not typical zombie fare). Then at one point, one of them gets caught and the main character (a christian) is the only one who can interrogate it without being affected by the stuff it says.
Sort of a spin on the end times stuff with z’s.
I am leaning more for the mortuary moment, that is, the newly dead being infected. At least the embalmed would not be possessed. Disembodied spirits can’t talk – which would be one reason for them to get a body.

Think of it as cross between Dawn of the Dead and Screwtape Letters – kind of.

They would be speaking soothing things to get you to …well….you know. Think of the “backlog” of demons wanting to infect the dead….all over the world. At the same time.

They would speak the most hateful things to Christians and about God, so that stuff would have to stated as such. I am not writing out everything they say..
been writing some things out. Maybe I will post on my blog and ask for opinions and all that?

But I have been thinking through the “abilities” of the z’s and and the backstory of the demons. What you are all seeing here is my thoughts being played out.

"Do these guys eat brains? I kind of want them to, but I also think maybe there is something more spiritually symbolic they can do. What a great idea, Papias. This really has me thinking."


Josh Hamrick said...

So, do they? I mean, you know, eat brains?

Erik said...

Never been a big fan of the eating brains bunch. But we will see... ;)