Tuesday, March 21, 2006

New post.

I haven't posted here for awhile.

I have read several books since my last post. Let's see, I read:

The White Plague by Frank Herbert - Pretty good. Fiction. A guy loses his family to an IRA bomb, then bioengineers a virus that only kills woman - so that the world can feel his pain. A little slow in parts, but it made me say "UH!" a couple of times.

Spies Among us by Ira Winkler - Pretty good. I had read an account of his getting into an office for penetration testing, and was hoping that the book was going to have alot more stories like that, but it didn't.

I then read Churches That Abuse by Ron Enroth. This book is almost 15 years old, but it seems as fresh today as back in 1992. Recommended reading!

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